Sex is a powerful tool. Sometimes, it can even be a weapon. There are people who know how to use sex to their advantage to get what they want. I too have fallen victim to it. Just like Eva "[t]here'd been a time when I'd turned to sex to feel affection, confusing momentary desire with genuine caring." I guess that's why I really like this novel. I feel there are times that I can relate and empathize to the characters because I have felt and experienced what they are going through.
Reflected In You is the second book in the Crossfire series. The relationship between Gideon and Eva has really deepened in this book. At the start of the novel, it can be seen that the thought of two days away from each other is unthinkable and unbearable for them both. Being the intense individuals that they are, that is expected. However, something as consuming as their affair is not healthy (and their therapist shares my opinion). Two days is not that long a time for one not to be able to endure the separation. They have become too dependent on each other and I think that it is bordering to something obsessive. Isn't it suffocating if you're with your partner all the time? We need our space once in a while, some "me" time, don't we?