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Sirensong by Jenna Black

I think this is the best book of the series and I really liked this one.  I am glad that I stuck with this series until the end even though Dana really irritates me.

Dana was invited by Titania, the Seelie Queen, to go to Faerie so that she may be formally presented at Court (Dana is technically a member of the Seelie Court after all).  Naturally, Dana and her dad, Seamus, are hesitant to accept but of course they are not left with any choice but to assent.

What made me like this book?  It has more adventure than the first two.  Maybe because this time, they are going to Faerie so that's exciting for me.  Dana is not as irritating too.  She's still stubborn and impulsive but I didn't find her annoying.  I think she has learned to listen to reason and explanation from people around her who knows more.

What ticks me off about her is that she insists on her ways.  I mean, she is an American who is more accustomed to the way things are in the States.  And we all know that in the U.S. people are more vocal and outspoken to what they feel and think.  In the States, people are free and there are no class systems.  So she found it difficult to believe and adjust that the Fae are not like that.  That class systems still in exist among the Fae.  It irritates me that she wants her Dad to change his ways and treat Finn (her bodyguard who happens to be a Knight) like an equal rather than someone who is a class lower than they are but she is not open about the fact that those are the ways of Fae.  She may see that as some primitive or backwards tradition but it is just how they are.  They are not human after all.  Oh well, I think I digressed a bit.

I definitely like Arawn, the Erlking (I really go for bad boys, hahaha).  I know he can be deceitful and cunning and ruthless but there is a soft side in him.  Plus he's handsome and smart (a deadly combination, I know).  For me, he is the most sensible character in the series.  Everything he does is calculated and well-thought.  Whenever he says something, it always makes sense.  He is not as vicious as they paint him to be.  And I believe that it is great if he is on your side.  I like how he is protective of Dana even if I think she doesn't deserve it.
I still want to very badly to hunt in the mortal world, and if I could persuade you or coerce you into taking me, I would.  But I would not see you destroyed in the process.  Being bound to my Hunt would destroy your special spark.
I like Kimber too.  I like how she is as a friend.  She did not blame Dana when, in Shadowspell, the Erlking took Ethan and bound him to the Hunt.  She was really glad to see Dana at her party (also in Shadowspell).  In this book, she volunteered to accompany Dana on her first trip to Faerie even though it is going to be dangerous and she is from the Unseelie Court.

I never liked Dana's mom (just like how I feel about Dana).  She has a drinking problem and like all alcoholics, she doesn't think that she does.  I thought that her character would improve as the story progresses.  I really thought that she would change in this third book.  I was so disappointed that she still won't admit about her being an alcoholic even when she was hospitalized in the end for alcohol poisoning.  I do hope she goes to a rehab though for her sake and also for Dana.

"One of the hardest lessons to learn in life is that you cannot save everyone." - Arawn

Rating: 4 of 5 STARS 

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